The Ripple Effect
The Ripple Effect Vocal Visionary Project, Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and donations are tax deductible. Contributions can be made securely through Paypal (even if you don't have an account) by clicking on the bright yellow "Donate" button above. Another option is to write us a check, made payable to “The Ripple Effect.” Download the form below and give it with your donation to any Ripple member, or mail to: The Ripple Effect,
1143 E. Ireland Rd. #1050, South Bend, IN 46614. If you provide us with your contact information, we will send you a receipt for your tax records (see sample below).
All donors will be recognized in each season concert program and on this website here: Donors. Contributors of $200 or more will receive two seats in the special VIR (Very Important Rippler) reserved section at each concert of the season. Concert Sponsors will be introduced and recognized during the concert and will receive additional seats in the VIR section.
So what are our expenses? Here are some examples:
Music for 1 choir member for our Spring Concert - $25
Salary for one instrumentalist for our Christmas in June concert - $200
Rental of motorcoach for our "If You Knew Me" Tour - $10,000
Accommodations for bus driver for our "If You Knew Me" Tour - $800
Hotel rooms for one night of tour - $1,000
Orchestration for our Christmas in June concert - $350
Yearly Membership Dues for 1 choir member - $100
Choral music for our Christmas in June concert - $620
Ice Cream Social for our Christmas in June concert - $100
Another way to help is to join The Pebbles—Our very special network of kind souls who help with concerts, mailing lists, receptions, etc. Contact Sherry K to become a member!, 574-360-1751
Thank You!